Public announcement regarding the decision of the recruitment stage

SC SOCAR PETROLEUM S.A. announces the interested public about the submission
requests to issue the environmental agreement for the “Construction of station” project
fuel distribution 2 pumps+1HGV, manual car wash, identification elements
signage, fencing, road connections, utilities”, proposed to be located in the Commune
Carcea, Sat Carcea, Str, Calea Bucuresti, no. 22, Dolj county.
Information on the proposed project can be consulted at the headquarters of the Agency for
Environmental Protection Dolj, Craiova, Str. Petru Rares, no. 1 and at SC SOCAR headquarters
PETROLEUM SA, Str. Pechea, No. 32-36, Floor 4, Sector 1, Bucharest, on Mondays
until Thursday, between 8.00-16.30 and Friday between 8.00-14.00.
Public comments are received daily at the headquarters of the Environmental Protection Agency
Dolj, Craiova, Petru Rares str., no. 1, fax: 0251/419035, e-mail: